On IoT Devices and Software Liability

New law journal article:

Smart Device Manufacturer Liability and Redress for Third-Party Cyberattack Victims

Abstract: Smart devices are used to facilitate cyberattacks against both their users and third parties. While users are generally able to seek redress following a cyberattack via data protection legislation, there is no equivalent pathway available to third-party victims who suffer harm at the hands of a cyberattacker. Given how these cyberattacks are usually conducted by exploiting a publicly known and yet un-remediated bug in the smart device’s code, this lacuna is unreasonable. This paper scrutinises recent judgments from both the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Ireland to ascertain whether these rulings pave the way for third-party victims to pursue negligence claims against the manufacturers of smart devices. From this analysis, a narrow pathway, which outlines how given a limited set of circumstances, a duty of care can be established between the third-party victim and the manufacturer of the smart device is proposed…

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Review: Engineering-grade OT security: A manager’s guide

Andrew Ginter is a widely-read author on industrial security and a trusted advisor for industrial enterprises. He holds a BSc. in Applied Mathematics and an MSc. in Computer Science from the University of Calgary. He developed control system software p… Continue reading Review: Engineering-grade OT security: A manager’s guide

Breaking down the state of authentication

In this Help Net Security video, Bassam Al-Khalidi, co-CEO of Axiad, discusses the results of Axiad’s recent State of Authentication Survey. Key findings from the survey revealed: – 39% indicated phishing is the most feared cyberattack, while 49%… Continue reading Breaking down the state of authentication

Cyberattack on Ukraine’s Kyivstar Seems to Be Russian Hacktivists

The Solntsepek group has taken credit for the attack. They’re linked to the Russian military, so it’s unclear whether the attack was government directed or freelance.
This is one of the most significant cyberattacks since Russia invaded in … Continue reading Cyberattack on Ukraine’s Kyivstar Seems to Be Russian Hacktivists

Citrix Bleed leveraged to steal data of 35+ million Comcast Xfinity customers

Telecommunications company Comcast has confirmed a breach that exposed personal information of more than 35.8 million of Xfinity customers. Exploiting Citrix Bleed to breach Xfinity CVE-2023-4966 (aka Citrix Bleed) – an information disclosure vul… Continue reading Citrix Bleed leveraged to steal data of 35+ million Comcast Xfinity customers

Mr. Cooper breach exposes sensitive info of over 14 million customers

Mortgage company Mr. Cooper has confirmed that personal information of over 14.6 million customers has been exposed in its October 2023 data breach. The breach “On October 31, 2023, Mr. Cooper detected suspicious activity in certain network syste… Continue reading Mr. Cooper breach exposes sensitive info of over 14 million customers

VF Corp Disrupted by Cyberattack, Online Operations Impacted

VF Corporation (NYSE: VFC), which owns and operates some of the biggest apparel and footwear brands, has been hit by a ransomware attack that included the theft of sensitive corporate and personal data.
The post VF Corp Disrupted by Cyberattack, Online… Continue reading VF Corp Disrupted by Cyberattack, Online Operations Impacted

MongoDB corporate systems breached, customer data exposed

Database management company MongoDB has suffered a breach: attackers have gained access to some of its corporate systems and customer data and metadata. The MongoDB breach “We detected suspicious activity on Wednesday (Dec. 13th, 2023) evening US… Continue reading MongoDB corporate systems breached, customer data exposed