Building a culture of security awareness in healthcare begins with leadership

With the rise of modern trends such as cloud computing and remote work, healthcare institutions strive to balance accessibility, convenience, and robust security. In this Help Net Security interview, Ken Briggs, General Counsel at Salucro, discusses ho… Continue reading Building a culture of security awareness in healthcare begins with leadership

Navigating the quantum leap in cybersecurity

In this Help Net Security interview, we sit down with Dr. Atsushi Yamada, the newly appointed CEO of ISARA, a security solutions company specializing in creating quantum-safe cryptography. With over two decades of experience in cryptography and cyberse… Continue reading Navigating the quantum leap in cybersecurity

How generative AI is reshaping the identity verification landscape

The identity verification market is experiencing a significant surge in growth. In recent years, many solutions have emerged to assist businesses in establishing trust and facilitating remote user onboarding. This demand arises from the alarming rise i… Continue reading How generative AI is reshaping the identity verification landscape

How continuous security monitoring is changing the compliance game

Managing compliance doesn’t have to be draining, time-consuming, or overly complicated. In this Help Net Security video, Wesley Van Zyl, Senior Manager, Compliance Success at Scytale, discusses how keeping track of all your security controls can … Continue reading How continuous security monitoring is changing the compliance game

Organizations’ cyber resilience efforts fail to keep up with evolving threats

A steady increase in cyberattacks and evolving threat landscape are resulting in more organizations turning their attention to building long-term cyber resilience; however, many of these programs are falling short and fail to prove teams’ real-world cy… Continue reading Organizations’ cyber resilience efforts fail to keep up with evolving threats

3 tips to accelerate zero trust adoption

Zero trust adoption is beginning to accelerate as networks get more complex. Gartner predicts that by 2026, 10% of large enterprises will have a comprehensive, mature, and measurable zero-trust program in place (compared to just 1% today). But adoption… Continue reading 3 tips to accelerate zero trust adoption

Organizations brace for cyber attacks despite improved preparedness

Cyber-risk levels have improved from “elevated” to “moderate” for the first time, but insiders represent a persistent threat for global organizations, according to Trend Micro. Jon Clay, VP of threat intelligence at Trend Micro:… Continue reading Organizations brace for cyber attacks despite improved preparedness

Are you ready for PCI DSS 4.0?

In just under a year’s time, organizations will have had to comply with several new requirements under version 4.0 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). About PCI DSS PCI DSS comprises 12 requirements to protect payment card da… Continue reading Are you ready for PCI DSS 4.0?

Corporate boards pressure CISOs to step up risk mitigation efforts

While those working in InfoSec and GRC have high levels of confidence in their cyber/IT risk management systems, persistent problems may be making them less effective than perceived, according to RiskOptics. The top challenges when implementing an effe… Continue reading Corporate boards pressure CISOs to step up risk mitigation efforts

Balancing cybersecurity with business priorities: Advice for Boards

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, it’s more important than ever for Boards and executives to stay informed about the latest advancements and potential risks in technology and digital capability. In this Help Net Security … Continue reading Balancing cybersecurity with business priorities: Advice for Boards