57% of reported incidents are caused by insiders

Insider data breaches were the top cause of data and cybersecurity incidents reported in the first quarter of 2021, according to the ICO. 57% of reported incidents were caused by insiders, with over 1,000 incidents reported in the first three months of… Continue reading 57% of reported incidents are caused by insiders

Reducing Manual Touchpoints to Minimize Risk

One of the single most effective ways to become more resilient as an organization today is to reduce the number of manual touchpoints behind the scenes and replace them with automated processes and workflows. The fact of the matter is, the more manual … Continue reading Reducing Manual Touchpoints to Minimize Risk

How to Ensure Continuous Compliance with NERC CIP

What is NERC? The North American Electric Reliability Corporation, or NERC, is the largest electric reliability organization in North America. They’re responsible for over 1,900 bulk power system operations spanning the United States and Canada and the… Continue reading How to Ensure Continuous Compliance with NERC CIP

22% of exploits for sale in underground forums are more than three years old

Trend Micro released a research urging organizations to focus patching efforts on the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to their organization, even if they are years old. Older exploits for sale more popular with criminals The research found … Continue reading 22% of exploits for sale in underground forums are more than three years old

Multi-cloud environments creating additional security challenges

Tripwire announced the results of a research report that evaluated cloud security practices across enterprise environments in 2021. Conducted by Dimensional Research, the survey evaluated the opinions of 314 security professionals with direct responsib… Continue reading Multi-cloud environments creating additional security challenges

Healthcare suffering from DNS attacks more than other industries

The healthcare industry experienced devastating effects from DNS attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, more so than other industries, a report from EfficientIP and IDC shows. The report shows that the average cost per attack in healthcare increased to … Continue reading Healthcare suffering from DNS attacks more than other industries

54% of businesses now have a policy in place to deal with ransomware attacks

54% of businesses now have a defined policy in place to deal with ransomware attacks – whether this means paying a ransom, relying on insurance policies or refusing to pay at all, according to Databarracks. The report surveys over 400 IT decision-maker… Continue reading 54% of businesses now have a policy in place to deal with ransomware attacks

What is the cost of an insider data breach?

As companies emerge from the pandemic, and 40% of employees are planning to switch jobs, corporate data is at risk. Files are being uploaded, shared, synced and emailed by employees as a normal course of everyday business or as they prepare for their n… Continue reading What is the cost of an insider data breach?

Health insurers facing growing risk of customer data theft

The U.S. health insurance industry is facing growing risks from cybersecurity threats due to the increasingly sophisticated techniques used by cybercriminals amid the expansion of remote healthcare delivery and growing digitization of insurance transac… Continue reading Health insurers facing growing risk of customer data theft

Three security lessons from a year of crisis

Crime thrives in a crisis, and the coronavirus was the largest collective emergency that the world has faced for decades. While there are more heroes than villains in the coronavirus story — think of all the sacrifices doctors, nurses, and other essent… Continue reading Three security lessons from a year of crisis