How to auto renew OpenVPN client certificates using easyRSA

I have embedded devices that are located in different cites and connected to my OpenVPN server. I initialize my devices before deploying them and put the certificate/key pair through local network. When the devices go online at the remote … Continue reading How to auto renew OpenVPN client certificates using easyRSA

Should Subject Public Key Information be the same in 2 different certificates created from the same CSR?

Recently, I’ve worked on setting certificate pinning for our mobile app. I’m using the hash of the Subject Public Key Information (SPKI) for the pinning. Now, I was under the impression that SPKI will be the same if I’ll crea… Continue reading Should Subject Public Key Information be the same in 2 different certificates created from the same CSR?

I need to generate a CSR on my HSM with a critical key usage of Non Repudation?

As above, we were planning to do the following:

Access our HSM (Luna SA)
Generate CSR
Send CSR to 3rd Party CA
Add critical key usage of Non Repudiation on 3rd Parties portal
Send the now signed CSR (public key to our tradi… Continue reading I need to generate a CSR on my HSM with a critical key usage of Non Repudation?