Have Crypto-Miners Infiltrated Your Public Cloud?

How do you know if bad actors are siphoning off your power and racking up huge bills for your organization? These silent malware scripts could be infecting your public cloud infrastructure right now, but would you even know it?  Crytpo Basics The… Continue reading Have Crypto-Miners Infiltrated Your Public Cloud?

Cyber ​​attacks cost $45 billion in 2018 with Ransomware at top

By Waqas
An estimated 2 million cyberattacks took place in 2018 costing more than $45 billion in damages worldwide. The worse part is that while cyberattacks are surging authorities are struggling to tackle the growing threat, said study released on Tu… Continue reading Cyber ​​attacks cost $45 billion in 2018 with Ransomware at top

Modular Plurox Backdoor Comes with Cryptomining, Worm-Like Plugins

A new modular backdoor detected as “Plurox” comes with multiple plugins that expand its capabilities to include cryptomining and worm-like behavior. In February 2019, Kaspersky Lab’s researchers first detected the backdoor. Their anal… Continue reading Modular Plurox Backdoor Comes with Cryptomining, Worm-Like Plugins

Millions of Linux Servers Under Worm Attack Via Exim Flaw

Attackers are exploiting a Linux Exim critical flaw to execute remote commands, download crypto miners and sniff out other vulnerable servers. Continue reading Millions of Linux Servers Under Worm Attack Via Exim Flaw

Criminal campaign uses leaked NSA tools to set up cryptomining scheme, Trend Micro says

Since March, criminals have been using hacking tools that were reportedly stolen from the National Security Agency in targeting companies around the world as part of a cryptomining campaign, researchers with cybersecurity company Trend Micro said Thursday. The broad-brush campaign has hit organizations in the banking, manufacturing and education sectors, among others, Trend Micro says. The criminals are essentially hijacking corporate computing power to harvest the cryptocurrency Monero. It’s hardly a new concept, but in this case it’s a reminder that tools deployed by state-sponsored hackers can also be used by relatively unskilled crooks more interested in making money than in spying. “Entry-level cybercriminals are gaining easy access to what we can consider ‘military-grade’ tools — and are using them for seemingly ordinary cybercrime activity,” Trend Micro researchers wrote in a blog post. The attacks are exploiting old versions of Microsoft Windows using a variant of a backdoor based on the EternalBlue exploit, Trend Micro said. EternalBlue is code reportedly […]

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Cyberthreats Your Business Isn’t Prepared For

You have backups in the event your business is hit by ransomware. You have prepared PR statements should there be any kind of customer data breach. You have been careful to keep all software updated, and you train your employees on cyber hygiene at lea… Continue reading Cyberthreats Your Business Isn’t Prepared For