Microsoft, Lenovo, Romance Scans, and Crypto Mining – Hack Naked News #161

This week, Paul reports on hackers hijacking Nintendo Switch, Salon website gives you a choice: turn off your ad blocker or let us mine cryptocurrency, and Google Chrome marking all non-HTTPS sites insecure in July 2018! Tim Helming of DomainTools join… Continue reading Microsoft, Lenovo, Romance Scans, and Crypto Mining – Hack Naked News #161

Drive-by cryptomining campaign targets millions of Android users

Android users have been exposed to drive-by cryptomining in one of the largest campaigns that we have detected so far.

Threat analysis

Tags: AndroidBotCAPTCHAcoinhivecrypto miningcryptominingdrive-by

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Deserialization Attacks Surge Motivated by Illegal Crypto-mining

Imperva’s research group is constantly monitoring new web application vulnerabilities. In doing so, we’ve noticed at least four major insecure deserialization vulnerabilities that were published in the past year. Our analysis shows that, in… Continue reading Deserialization Attacks Surge Motivated by Illegal Crypto-mining