PhoneCam aims to bring body-camera security to everyday folks

Sometimes, violent people rein in their aggressive behavior if they know they’re being recorded on video. Whipping out your phone and holding it up to film them, however, may make things even worse. That’s where the PhoneCam comes in, as it’s intended … Continue reading PhoneCam aims to bring body-camera security to everyday folks

AntiFake AI tech could keep your voice from being deepfaked

One of the more sinister functions of deepfake AI systems is the ability to replicate a person’s voice, based on even just a short recording. A new software tool known as AntiFake, however, could help keep that from happening.Continue ReadingCategory: … Continue reading AntiFake AI tech could keep your voice from being deepfaked

New forensic tech may nab criminals by the look of their shoes

Although most of our clothes fold and crease with our bodies as we move, our shoes maintain the same shape and appearance pretty much all the time. With that fact in mind, scientists are now developing a method of catching criminals via shoe ID.Continu… Continue reading New forensic tech may nab criminals by the look of their shoes

Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown In Nordic Region

A series of arrests that began in late August and continued into last week has sparked concerns that a relatively rare ‘Scene’ crackdown targeting the top of the so-called ‘Piracy Pyramid’ may be underway in the Nordic region. TorrentFreak reports: In … Continue reading Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown In Nordic Region