Cruising GitHub For Slack Webhook Tokens

GitHub is an incredibly powerful tool for sharing source code, and its value to the modern hacker can’t be overstated. But there’s at least one downside to effortlessly sharing your source: it’s now much easier for the whole world to find out when you screw up. Back in the day, …read more

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Spear Phishing 101: What It Is and How to Stop It

Spear phishing: It’s a term we hear a great deal when it comes to cybersecurity—or rather, lack thereof. But what is it, really? And why has it been so successful? The majority involve a phishing email; what can we do about it? What is Phishing?… Continue reading Spear Phishing 101: What It Is and How to Stop It

94% of attacks hitting financial services use one of four methods

Newly released data from Akamai’s 2019 State of the Internet / Security Financial Services Attack Economy Report has found that 50% of all unique organizations impacted by observed phishing domains were from the financial services sector. The data show… Continue reading 94% of attacks hitting financial services use one of four methods

Is it unsafe to enter administrative Windows credentials when logged in as a regular user?

I was recently advised that when a user is logged in as a regular user and they need an administrator to do something (i.e. install an application) that entering the administrator credentials when the regular logged in user i… Continue reading Is it unsafe to enter administrative Windows credentials when logged in as a regular user?

Employees overestimate the efficacy of their workplace’s email security strategy

22 percent of businesses have experienced a data breach – defined as loss of confidential data or credentials, compromised account loss, or fraudulent financial transactions – due to an email-based attack in the past three months, accoring to GreatHorn… Continue reading Employees overestimate the efficacy of their workplace’s email security strategy