Researchers discover massive increase in Emotet activity

Emotet had a 730% increase in activity in September after being in a near dormant state, Nuspire discovered. Emotet, a modular banking Trojan, has added additional features to steal contents of victim’s inboxes and steal credentials for sending outboun… Continue reading Researchers discover massive increase in Emotet activity

Cybercriminals are testing exposed credentials for future account takeover attacks

Fraud increased 30% overall in Q3 2019 and bot-driven account registration fraud is up 70% as cybercriminals test stolen credentials in advance of the holiday retail season, according to Arkose Labs. After analyzing over 1.3 billion transactions spanni… Continue reading Cybercriminals are testing exposed credentials for future account takeover attacks

Credential-Stuffing Attacks Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Credential-stuffing attacks are indicative of the much larger issue of account takeover. Adaptive authentication can help improve the digital experience for low-risk users.

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Impact and prevalence of cyberattacks that use stolen hashed administrator credentials

There’s a significant prevalence and impact of cyberattacks that use stolen hashed administrator credentials, also referred to as Pass the Hash (PtH) attacks, within businesses today, according to a survey from One Identity. Among the survey’s mo… Continue reading Impact and prevalence of cyberattacks that use stolen hashed administrator credentials

How to harden against credential stealing in EC2 via the API?

AWS has a feature called Instance Metadata, which on EC2 gives you access to the AWS credentials through HTTP calls:


The feature itself is intentional, t… Continue reading How to harden against credential stealing in EC2 via the API?

When Digital Identity and Access Management Meets Physical Security

If your identity and access management (IAM) and physical security initiatives are not working as one, your organization may be suffering from unnecessary grief — and increasing risk.

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