Office 365 Phishing Attack Leverages Real-Time Active Directory Validation

Attackers check the victims’ Office 365 credentials in real time as they are typed into the phishing landing page, by using authentication APIs. Continue reading Office 365 Phishing Attack Leverages Real-Time Active Directory Validation

Credential Theft on the Rise, in Part Due to Remote Work

Credential theft has been on the rise in recent years; more than 80% of hacks are the result of credential theft (most of it coming from successful phishing attempts), according to the 2020 “Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report.” This… Continue reading Credential Theft on the Rise, in Part Due to Remote Work

The Pandemic of Credential-based Cyberattacks

The first half of 2020 is barely in the history books, and it is safe to assume that most business leaders are eager to close this chapter. Globally, there remains plenty of concern about the overall health crisis, as well as the economic impact from … Continue reading The Pandemic of Credential-based Cyberattacks

git reflog is showing plain text password used as a secret texts or files in Jenkins

We are using Jenkins Freestyle Project to push the changes on the remote server. We are executing shell script on remote host using ssh for it. To pull the changes on the remote server, we are using origin url with git username and git pas… Continue reading git reflog is showing plain text password used as a secret texts or files in Jenkins

CIOs prioritizing IAM over endpoint security and security awareness training

CIOs are prioritizing identity and access management (IAM) over endpoint security and security awareness training in 2020, according to a Hitachi ID survey. The survey, focused on changes in IT spending in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, reveals … Continue reading CIOs prioritizing IAM over endpoint security and security awareness training

20% of credential stuffing attacks target media companies

The media industry suffered 17 billion credential stuffing attacks between January 2018 and December 2019, according to a report from Akamai. The apparent fourfold increase in attacks is partly attributable to the enhanced visibility into the threat la… Continue reading 20% of credential stuffing attacks target media companies