Does changing an image src attribute to call a PHP function on my server to retrieve an image from another server eliminate CORS policy issues?

I am working in React, and I have an image which has an src attribute of My website domain is

I am using a library, dom-to-image,… Continue reading Does changing an image src attribute to call a PHP function on my server to retrieve an image from another server eliminate CORS policy issues?

Exploitability of allowed wildcard (*) CORS Origins with Bearer Token Authorization

I’m looking at the following setup. A web application uses a REST API to communicate with the server. All API responses include Origin: *. For authorization Authorization: Bearer <token> is used. Access-Control-Allow-He… Continue reading Exploitability of allowed wildcard (*) CORS Origins with Bearer Token Authorization

How to authorize access to a resource when requested with CORS and validate the origin?

I’ll try to make the explanation simple and to the point (keyword try). And if that’s not sufficient, then maybe I can expand on the question.

Imagine two sites: and I only have direct … Continue reading How to authorize access to a resource when requested with CORS and validate the origin?