Google Utilizing Consumer Gmail Accounts to Track Purchases, Financial Transactions

News of recently revealed and egregious tracking behaviors at Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG); specifically Google is using your Gmails account to track your purchases. Our suggestions is to immediately remove any financial transaction related messaging fr… Continue reading Google Utilizing Consumer Gmail Accounts to Track Purchases, Financial Transactions

FCC Coughs Up $43,000 For Hiding Net neutrality Records

You Can Bet The Chairman Will Be Implicated In This…
via Jon Brodkin, writing at Condé Nast media property Ars Technica, in which, Mr. Brodkin reports on bad news for Chairman Ajit Pai, as the FCC was forced to settle a suit (to the tune of 43K… Continue reading FCC Coughs Up $43,000 For Hiding Net neutrality Records

UN Aviation Agency Attempted Coverup, Minimization Of 2016 Cyberattack

Another reason to not put significant trust in the United Nations.

“In an email to the ICAO, the Lockheed Martin cyberintelligence analyst described the attack as “a significant threat to the aviation industry.” It had the characteristics of a “water… Continue reading UN Aviation Agency Attempted Coverup, Minimization Of 2016 Cyberattack

33C3: Memory Deduplication, the Hacker’s Friend

At the 33rd annual Chaos Communications Congress, [Antonio Barresi] and [Erik Bosman] presented not one, not two, but three (3!!) great hacks that were all based on exploiting memory de-duplication in virtual machines. If you’re interested in security, you should definitely watch the talk, embedded below. And grab the slides too. (PDF)

Memory de-duplication is the forbidden fruit for large VM setups — obviously dangerous but so tempting. Imagine that you’re hosting VMs and you notice that many of the machines have the same things in memory at the same time. Maybe we’re all watching the same cat videos. They …read more

Continue reading 33C3: Memory Deduplication, the Hacker’s Friend

Corrupt Federal Agent charged in Silk Road theft accused of stealing another $700,000

A former United States undercover agent who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoins during an investigation into the underground drug marketplace Silk Road is now suspected of stealing even more of the cryptocurrency from two other cas… Continue reading Corrupt Federal Agent charged in Silk Road theft accused of stealing another $700,000

The Panama Papers — Biggest leak in History Exposes Global Corruption

A huge trove of confidential documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca was made public on Sunday in what’s known as One of the World’s Largest Data Leaks ever, called The Panama Papers.

Over 11.5 Million Leaked Files including 2.6 Terabytes of Data

Even larger than the NSA wires leak in 2013, the Panama Papers includes 2.6 Terabytes of private data, exposing an enormous web

Continue reading The Panama Papers — Biggest leak in History Exposes Global Corruption