Forbrukerrådet: New Study’s Conclusion – The Advertising Industry Are Law Breakers On A Massive Scale

Outstanding reports – via Norwegian Forbrukerrådet detailing the systematic criminal behavior exhibited by Advertising Entites and their Ilk, with the resultant aglommeration of data which permits them to collect and store an ever increasing and … Continue reading Forbrukerrådet: New Study’s Conclusion – The Advertising Industry Are Law Breakers On A Massive Scale

ISOC’s PIR Attempts (Succeeded) To Sell Itself & .ORG TLD To Equity Firm ‘Ethos Capital’

It’s an astonishing state of affairs, when the Public Internet Registry (PIR) can sell itself, without clear oversight and scrutiny as the sole administrator of the .ORG TLD (efectively meaning the conveyance of ownership of the .ORG TLD) to a privat… Continue reading ISOC’s PIR Attempts (Succeeded) To Sell Itself & .ORG TLD To Equity Firm ‘Ethos Capital’

Big Cable To Oppose Robocalling Regulations

via Jon Brodkin, reporting at Ars Technica comes this story of Those Terrible People In The Cable Industry.
The latest outrage from the Cable Industry (in the United States, at least) is to direct their trade lobby group in pitching Senators and Repr… Continue reading Big Cable To Oppose Robocalling Regulations

Facebookery: All The Many Datas of Zuckerberg

via Sam Biddle, writing at The Intercept, comes this astonishing story of manifest Facebookery firmly situated within the rarified telecom world of data sharing between and betwixt the telecom leviathans and that scourge of privacy Facebook, Inc. (Nas… Continue reading Facebookery: All The Many Datas of Zuckerberg