Bye-Bye, DNA – Hello GSK (and others)

via The Outline author Paris Martineau, comes this tale of opt-in/opt-out, GlaxoSmithKline 23andMe. and of course, The Goods – , your DNA. Which results in a nagging question: Why would I (or you for that matter), agree to hand over my uniquely identi… Continue reading Bye-Bye, DNA – Hello GSK (and others)

Google’s New Advanced Persistent Threat: Convenience Services

Examine – if you will – Nitasha Tiku’s superlative piece on Google Convenience Services. I am astonished that in light of the Facebook SNAFU’s of late, Sundar Pichai has intemperately determined that it’s a great time to push Google Surveillance to c… Continue reading Google’s New Advanced Persistent Threat: Convenience Services

Becca Rick’s ‘How Paypal Shares Your Data’

Rebecca (Becca) Rick’s has published a highly informative interactive graphic (along with the data source) detailing the Paypal data sharing efforts, in which, your data is published to a multitude of said entities. Astonishing.
Folks, the easiest met… Continue reading Becca Rick’s ‘How Paypal Shares Your Data’

Becca Rick’s ‘How Paypal Shares Your Data’

Rebecca (Becca) Rick’s has published a highly informative interactive graphic (along with the data source) detailing the Paypal data sharing efforts, in which, your data is published to a multitude of said entities. Astonishing.
Folks, the easiest met… Continue reading Becca Rick’s ‘How Paypal Shares Your Data’