Magnetically guided particles temporarily lower sperm count in mice

When it comes to contraceptives, men typically have to remember to use a condom, or get a difficult-to-reverse vasectomy. There may soon be a new option, however, in the form of injected particles that are magnetically guided to the testes.Continue Rea… Continue reading Magnetically guided particles temporarily lower sperm count in mice

Breakthrough male contraceptive pill derived from Chinese medicine

For decades, women have largely carried the responsibility for contraception thanks to the pill, but a male equivalent has long eluded scientists. Now a new breakthrough could lead to a safe, effective and reversible male contraceptive pill, as a compo… Continue reading Breakthrough male contraceptive pill derived from Chinese medicine

Contraceptive gel made to kill sperm and viruses while boosting libido

Why use three separate products, when just one will do the trick? That’s the thinking behind an experimental new contraceptive gel that combines a spermicide, an anti-viral agent and a libido enhancer in one formulation.Continue ReadingCategory: Health… Continue reading Contraceptive gel made to kill sperm and viruses while boosting libido