How secure is using https://* as a value in a Content Security Policy?

Let’s say I am an organization with all my resources on I have a web server in the DMZ that hosts a website named open to the internet.
The CSP for that website is Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’ ht… Continue reading How secure is using https://* as a value in a Content Security Policy?

Security headers: Are they needed on subsequent requests (eg. Scripts, Images) after they have been sent on the main HTML request?

I had a discussion with PenTesters at my company today, who have said that security headers, like for example Content-Security-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, Referrer-Policy and Permissions-Policy, should always be sent in the subseque… Continue reading Security headers: Are they needed on subsequent requests (eg. Scripts, Images) after they have been sent on the main HTML request?