For the First Time Since 2010, People Who Accept Climate Change Control the House Science Committee

Several Democratic House candidates with scientific backgrounds won against Republican incumbents on Tuesday. Continue reading For the First Time Since 2010, People Who Accept Climate Change Control the House Science Committee

Rep. Speier: Congress needs a hack demo to understand election vulnerabilities

Lawmakers still need a hands-on demonstration of voting equipment vulnerabilities to fully grasp the urgency of election security, according to Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif. “I think that if we can fashion some kind of an interactive experience for members to watch… then we’ve got their attention,” Speier, a member of the intelligence committee, said in an interview. “We need that moment and we need that equipment, and we need that hack. And so once we can do that and do it in a way that the average luddite can understand, then we’ll be golden.” DEF CON, the hacking conference where researchers pick apart voting machines, provides that kind of visual demonstration. But Speier appeared to be the only lawmaker in attendance last week as the organizers of the DEF CON Voting Village presented their findings on Capitol Hill. (Some congressional staff did attend.) Election security vaulted into the spotlight on […]

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Proposed US law would require President to act against overseas hackers

A US senator has announced a bill that would force the President to punish overseas hackers found targeting the US, or explain why he hadn’t. Continue reading Proposed US law would require President to act against overseas hackers

Siri is listening to you, but she’s NOT spying, says Apple

Apple’s working to keep iPhones from eavesdropping on us, through privacy policies, short buffer windows, local storage, and app review. Continue reading Siri is listening to you, but she’s NOT spying, says Apple

TechCongress program grows as Capitol Hill plays catch-up on tech issues

Interest is rising in a program that stations technology experts with Congress, giving lawmakers a sorely needed way to understand the litany of society-shifting tech issues that come to their attention. TechCongress opened up its application process for its 2019 Congressional Innovation Fellowship class last week. Started in 2016 with two fellows, the number of fellows has been rising every year since. The 2018 class saw seven fellows, with a record-high five receiving job offers. The 2019 class which will have up to ten fellows. Although cybersecurity and data privacy experts are in the highest demand, health and transportation experts like former Economist editor Sunmin Kim and biotechnologist Robbie Narang have gone through the program. The 2018 class of fellows, which is still active, includes Washington D.C.-based researcher Collin Anderson, former Mandiant consultant James Gimbi and former U.S. Army special operations veteran James Price. The most publicly well-known fellow may be Chris Soghoian, […]

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