Reliably Exploiting Apport in Ubuntu

[Donncha O’Cearbhaill] has successfully exploited two flaws in Apport, the crash report mechanism in Ubuntu. Apport is installed by default in all Ubuntu Desktop installations >= 12.10 (Quantal). Inspired by [Chris Evan] work on exploiting 6502 processor opcodes on the NES, [Donncha] describes the whole process of finding and exploiting a 0-day on a modern linux system.

One of the flaws, tracked as CVE-2016-9949, relies on a python code injection in the crash file. Apport blindly uses the python eval() function on an unsanitized field (CrashDB) inside the .crash file. This leads directly to arbitrary python code execution. The other …read more

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MBRFilter — Open Source Tool to Protect Against ‘Master Boot Record’ Malware

Ransomware threat has risen exponentially so much that ransomware authors have started abusing the MBR in their attacks to lock down your entire computer instead of just encrypting your important files on hard drive.

Talos team at Cisco Systems has re… Continue reading MBRFilter — Open Source Tool to Protect Against ‘Master Boot Record’ Malware

VeraCrypt Audit Reveals Critical Security Flaws — Update Now

After TrueCrypt mysteriously discontinued its service, VeraCrypt became the most popular open source disk encryption software used by activists, journalists, as well as privacy conscious people.

First of all, there is no such thing as a perfect, bug-f… Continue reading VeraCrypt Audit Reveals Critical Security Flaws — Update Now