Intel Needs To Go Sit In A Corner And Think About Its Meltdown Fail

Big corporations shuffle people around all the time. More often than not, these reorganization efforts end up as a game of musical chairs where all the executives end up with more pay, everybody else’s work are disrupted, and nothing substantial actually changes. Intel just moved some high level people around to form a dedicated security group. Let’s all hope it will make a difference.

When news of Meltdown and Spectre broke, Intel’s public relations department applied maximum power to their damage control press release generators. The initial message was one of defiance, downplaying the impact and implying people are over …read more

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Google, Intel, Oracle, and Meltdown-Spectre – Hack Naked News #157

This week, Paul reports on malicious Google Chrome extensions affecting 500K users, configuration errors in Intel workstations being labeled a security hole, VMware releases security updates for Workstation, Fusion, and Oracle still silent on Meltdown!… Continue reading Google, Intel, Oracle, and Meltdown-Spectre – Hack Naked News #157