PRC PLA Navy Targeting Undersea Communications Cables?

Opinion piece of merit, via James Stavridis, ADM USN (RET) and former Supreme Commander of NATO; in which, the good Admiral details behaviors, focus and actions of the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army Navy in relation to the world’s undersea communicati… Continue reading PRC PLA Navy Targeting Undersea Communications Cables?

DerbyCon 2018, Justin Herman’s ‘Off-Grid Coms And Power’

Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
The post DerbyCon 2018, Justin Herman’s ‘Off-Grid Coms And Power’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.
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Telegram Updated, Amidst Kremlin Capers, Apple Angst

News from over the weekend – via 9to5Mac writer Michael Potuck, focusing on Telegram; of which, the encruoted meesenging iOS app has been permitted to publish the latest update to their bits – via Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) iTunes App Store. This, desp… Continue reading Telegram Updated, Amidst Kremlin Capers, Apple Angst