Watsonx Code Assistant Adds COBOL-to-Java Translations on IBM Z

Generative AI comes to mainframe application modernization with a model trained on more than 80 code languages and 1.5 trillion tokens of data. Continue reading Watsonx Code Assistant Adds COBOL-to-Java Translations on IBM Z

Hackaday Podcast 064: The COBOL Cabal, the Demoscene Bytes, and the BTLE Cure

Hackaday editors Elliot Williams and Mike Szczys pan for gold in a week packed with technological treasure. The big news is Apple/Google are working on contact tracing using BTLE. From adoption, to privacy, to efficacy, there’s a lot to unpack here and many of the details have yet to take …read more

Continue reading Hackaday Podcast 064: The COBOL Cabal, the Demoscene Bytes, and the BTLE Cure

COBOL Isn’t The Issue: A Misinterpreted Crisis

Is history doomed to repeat itself? Or rather, is there really any doubt that it isn’t, considering recent events that made the news? I am of course talking about New Jersey’s call for COBOL programmers to fix their ancient unemployment system, collapsing under the application spikes caused by the COVID-19 …read more

Continue reading COBOL Isn’t The Issue: A Misinterpreted Crisis

Tony Brooker And Autocode – The First High-level Language

The field of computer science has undeniably changed the world for virtually every single person by now. Certainly for you as Hackaday reader, but also for everyone around you, whether they’re working in the field themselves, or are simply enjoying the fruits of convenience it bears. What was once a …read more

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Blowing the Dust off of an IBM AS/400 Server

If you’ve never seen an IBM AS/400 machine, don’t feel bad. Most people haven’t. Introduced in 1988 as a mid-range server line, it used a unique object-based operating system and was geared specifically towards business and enterprise customers. Unless you’re a particularly big fan of COBOL you probably won’t have much use for one today, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth playing around with if the opportunity presents itself.

So when a local IT company went belly up and was selling their old hardware, including a late 90’s era IBM AS/400e Series, [Rik te Winkel] jumped at the chance …read more

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