Aggressor Script’s Secret mIRC Scripting Past

Aggressor Script is the scripting engine in Cobalt Strike 3.0 and later. If you want to learn more about it, I recommend reading the documentation. In this blog post, I’ll provide some history around Aggressor Script so you can better understand it and where it comes from. The mIRC Factor mIRC is a popular client for […] Continue reading Aggressor Script’s Secret mIRC Scripting Past

Cobalt Strike 3.2 – The Inevitable x64 Beacon

Cobalt Strike 3.2, the third release in the 3.x series, is now available. The 3.2 release focuses on fixes and improvements across the Cobalt Strike product. x64 Beacon Cobalt Strike’s x86 Beacon plays pretty well in an x64 world. You can inject the keystroke logger and screenshot tools into 64-bit processes. If you run mimikatz […] Continue reading Cobalt Strike 3.2 – The Inevitable x64 Beacon

Post-Exploitation Only (Not Really)

During a recent conversation, a friend had mentioned that they saw Cobalt Strike as a post-exploitation only tool. This strikes me as a little odd. Cobalt Strike has always had all the features necessary to execute a full attack chain. The system profiler, spear phishing tool, and user-driven attacks support a social engineering process designed […] Continue reading Post-Exploitation Only (Not Really)