The 2020 Bitglass SKO Recap and More

Every year before now, I’ve attended sales kick-off (SKO) without having to work on preparing an agenda, but I’ve marveled at the amount of work that goes on to put on such an event. I’ve thought about the reasoning behind certain se… Continue reading The 2020 Bitglass SKO Recap and More

Zero Trust Network Access with Bitglass

As the old adage goes, “Trust must be earned.” This proverb essentially means that trusting those who are not truly trustworthy can have harmful results. Interestingly, this wisdom is particularly applicable to cybersecurity. There are cou… Continue reading Zero Trust Network Access with Bitglass

Improved Team Collaboration with G Suite, Powered by Bitglass & Okta

As organizations continue to select their productivity suite, G Suite has rapidly established itself as a platform that seamlessly empowers team collaboration. A state agency recently started adopting G Suite and their top three reasons for choos… Continue reading Improved Team Collaboration with G Suite, Powered by Bitglass & Okta

Partners in Cloud: Bitglass | Zscaler

As companies expand, the adoption of cloud services grows in parallel. Bitglass’ Cloud Adoption Report recently released in 2019, found that 86% of enterprises have deployed cloud-based tools. These cloud services come with a plethora of benefit… Continue reading Partners in Cloud: Bitglass | Zscaler

The Rise of Insider Threats in Verizon’s DBIR

Each year, Verizon releases its Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR). These reports evaluate the state of security each year, providing detailed statistics around leading vulnerabilities, which industries face the most breaches, and much more. In 2… Continue reading The Rise of Insider Threats in Verizon’s DBIR

Bitglass API Gateway Encryption

Enterprises are adopting infrastructure as a service (IaaS) en masse in pursuit of enhanced flexibility, productivity, and cost savings. These platforms allow organizations to upload and download data via custom applications, machines, scripts, and ot… Continue reading Bitglass API Gateway Encryption

The Ins and Outs of Securing BYOD

Cloud adoption is transforming the way business is conducted on a larger scale. The integration of SaaS (software as a service) applications via the cloud is transcending individual and organizational productivity and overall employee morale. Moreover… Continue reading The Ins and Outs of Securing BYOD

Cloud Adoption 2019: A for Adoption

Remember remember the Fifth of November, and your company’s need for a data defender.
The Bitglass Cloud Adoption report, which has been conducted multiple times in the past few years, illustrates the magnitude to which organizations are ad… Continue reading Cloud Adoption 2019: A for Adoption

Securing Data Beyond The Corporate Walls

Despite the massive international push for cloud adoption, a distressing number of corporations have not deployed the proper means to securing critical data. Traditional firewalls may have sufficed in the traditional on-prem setting, but with business… Continue reading Securing Data Beyond The Corporate Walls

Appeasing the Oasis of Unknown: Shadow IT Discovery

In a sea of millions of apps, which one is the biggest fish to fry? Firewall and proxy logs catch the traffic of users, but identifying what needs attention in such comprehensive logs can be overwhelming. Shadow IT discovery offers the ability to narr… Continue reading Appeasing the Oasis of Unknown: Shadow IT Discovery