Here’s an Interactive Map That Shows How Climate Change Will Affect Your Town in 60 Years

If we do nothing to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the weather in New York City will feel like Alabama and Los Angeles will be as hot as the tip of the Baja Peninsula. Continue reading Here’s an Interactive Map That Shows How Climate Change Will Affect Your Town in 60 Years

Humans May Reverse a 50 Million Year Climate Trend After Just Two Centuries

50 million years ago, the world started cooling. The industrial revolution marked the beginning of the end of this climate trend. Continue reading Humans May Reverse a 50 Million Year Climate Trend After Just Two Centuries

Stop Saying ‘Humans Suck’ Because of Climate Change, Says Astrobiologist

Adam Frank’s new book Light of the Stars explores how the search for intelligent alien life in the universe can help humans combat climate change on Earth. Continue reading Stop Saying ‘Humans Suck’ Because of Climate Change, Says Astrobiologist