Why does tls_version "TLS 1.2" from howsmyssl rate "Probably Okay" in Chrome on Windows 10 but "Bad" in IE11 on Windows 7?

I’m implementing an API endpoint based on howsmyssl to check the TLS version of clients then notify those clients about whether or not they passed the test. However, several clients have reported failing the test on our site … Continue reading Why does tls_version "TLS 1.2" from howsmyssl rate "Probably Okay" in Chrome on Windows 10 but "Bad" in IE11 on Windows 7?

Browsers not showing the protocol, key exchange and cipher information for my site using proper signed certificate for https

Browsers not showing the protocol, key exchange and cipher information for my site using proper signed certificate for https, but the debug from a java client accessing the same site shows following information:

*** ServerHello, TLSv1.2
RandomCookie:  GMT: 1490496321 bytes = { 66, 137, 113, 105, 106, 27, 21, 88, 87, 171, 101, 163, 48, 196, 98, 95, 61, 89, 178, 47, 146, 65, 65, 124, 89, 82, 61, 93 }
Session ID:  {89, 215, 43, 65, 38, 153, 110, 30, 167, 95, 49, 89, 125, 4, 140, 66, 116, 122, 88, 188, 234, 174, 222, 2, 21, 92, 125, 239, 168, 12, 35, 165}
Compression Method: 0
Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>
%% Initialized:  [Session-1, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256]

Follows the security tab info in chrome:

This page is secure (valid HTTPS).
Valid Certificate
The connection to this site is using a valid, trusted server certificate.
View certificate
Secure TLS connection
**The connection to this site is using a strong protocol version and cipher suite.**
Secure Resources
All resources on this page are served securely.

Internet explorer : File -> Properties -> connection shows value as “Encrypted”
(without any details about the protocol, key exchange, cipher)

If I try to see the same for https://google.com, I can see all the fields ( protocol, key exchange, cipher) properly

E.g. On chrome

This page is secure (valid HTTPS).
Valid certificate
The connection to this site is using a valid, trusted server certificate.
View certificate
Secure connection
The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using a strong protocol (QUIC), a strong key exchange (X25519), and a strong cipher (AES_128_GCM).
Secure resources
All resources on this page are served securely.

Continue reading Browsers not showing the protocol, key exchange and cipher information for my site using proper signed certificate for https