This Chromecast Volume Knob Has a Certain ’70s Chic

Chromecast devices have become popular in homes around the world in the last few years. They make it easy to cast audio or video from a smartphone or laptop, to a set of speakers or a display connected to the same network. [Akos] wanted to control the volume on these devices with a single, simple piece of equipment, rather than always reaching for a smartphone. Thus was built the CastVolumeKnob.

The project began by using Wireshark to capture data sent by the pychromecast library. Once [Akos] understood the messaging format, this was implemented in MicroPython on an ESP8266. A rotary …read more

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UPnP, Vulnerability As A Feature That Just Won’t Die

UPnP — in a perfect world it would have been the answer to many connectivity headaches as we add more devices to our home networks. But in practice it the cause of a lot of headaches when it comes to keeping those networks secure.

It’s likely that many Hackaday readers provide some form of technical support to relatives or friends. We’ll help sort out Mom’s desktop and email gripes, and we’ll set up her new router and lock it down as best we can to minimise the chance of the bad guys causing her problems. Probably one of the first …read more

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TheHackerGiraffe says he’s retired from hacking smart TVs to promote PewDiePie

TheHackerGiraffe, the hacker who breached innocent users’ unsecured printers, Google Chromecast streaming devices, and smart TVs to promote the PewDiePie YouTube channel, has announced his retirement.
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Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

A group of hackers has hijacked tens of thousands of Google’s Chromecast streaming dongles, Google Home smart speakers and smart TVs with built-in Chromecast technology in recent weeks by exploiting a bug that’s allegedly been ignored by Google for alm… Continue reading Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

Hackers Hijack Chromecast Devices and Smart TVs via Exposed UPnP

A pair of hackers has launched a campaign that displays rogue messages on people’s smart TVs encouraging them to subscribe to a popular YouTube channel. The attack doesn’t seem to be malicious and is part of a larger campaign to promote Pe… Continue reading Hackers Hijack Chromecast Devices and Smart TVs via Exposed UPnP

Hackers play PewDiePie ad on thousands of hacked Chromecasts & Smart TVs

By Waqas
Hackers behind the hacking spree are urging users to change their router settings and subscribe to PewDiePie’s YouTube. Last month, it was reported that a group of hackers compromised thousands of printers around the world to send printo… Continue reading Hackers play PewDiePie ad on thousands of hacked Chromecasts & Smart TVs