User mail certificates policy: Is expiration+renewal better than no-expiration+revocation?

In our environment, we provide user certificates to sign or encrypt emails. This is an internal setting, meaning the CA is internal to our organization (not a public CA) and handled by our Active Directory PKI.

User certific… Continue reading User mail certificates policy: Is expiration+renewal better than no-expiration+revocation?

Are all (or most) expired certificates issued by 3rd party certificate authorities also marked as revoked?

In a recent online course, an instructor stated:

Once you’ve created a certificate, eventually you are going to have to
revoke it, and even if that’s just to renew it, really, I mean if you
have created a certificate… Continue reading Are all (or most) expired certificates issued by 3rd party certificate authorities also marked as revoked?

ways to check a certificate fingerprint against known logs

Suppose I have a certificate sha-256 fingerprint, which I can obtain say visiting the relevant domain in firefox or from a shell script using openssl, and i want to verify this fingerprint. one option is to look up the domain… Continue reading ways to check a certificate fingerprint against known logs