Facebook Users Cry ‘Censorship’ After Being Told Which Russian Troll Pages They Liked

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: As the FBI’s investigation into Russian election interference reaches a fever pitch, Facebook rolled out a new News Feed alert Monday night. The bulletin told users who followed pages created by Russian… Continue reading Facebook Users Cry ‘Censorship’ After Being Told Which Russian Troll Pages They Liked

Microsoft and Amazon Enable Censorship Circumvention Tools in Iran. Why Doesn’t Google?

Google blocks a tool called Google App Engine in Iran, indirectly allowing the Iranian government to block apps that piggyback on it to skirt online censorship. Continue reading Microsoft and Amazon Enable Censorship Circumvention Tools in Iran. Why Doesn’t Google?

France’s President Macron Wants To Block Websites During Elections To Fight ‘Fake News’

French President Emmanuel Macron has a rather extreme approach to combat fake news: ban entire websites. In a speech to journalists on Wednesday, Macron said he planned to introduce new legislation to strictly regulate fake news during online political… Continue reading France’s President Macron Wants To Block Websites During Elections To Fight ‘Fake News’