Apple Wanted To Use Qualcomm Chips For Its 2018 iPhones, But Qualcomm Refused Because of Companies’ Licensing Dispute

Apple’s operating chief said on Monday that Qualcomm refused to sell its 4G LTE processors to the company due to the companies’ licensing dispute. According to CNET, that decision “had a ripple effect on how quickly Apple can make the shift to 5G.” Fro… Continue reading Apple Wanted To Use Qualcomm Chips For Its 2018 iPhones, But Qualcomm Refused Because of Companies’ Licensing Dispute

Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems

Good essay on the inherent vulnerabilities in the cell phone standards and the market barriers to fixing them. So far, industry and policymakers have largely dragged their feet when it comes to blocking cell-site simulators and SS7 attacks. Senator Ron Wyden, one of the few lawmakers vocal about this issue, sent a letter in August encouraging the Department of Justice… Continue reading Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems

Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems

Good essay on the inherent vulnerabilities in the cell phone standards and the market barriers to fixing them. So far, industry and policymakers have largely dragged their feet when it comes to blocking cell-site simulators and SS7 attacks. Senator Ron… Continue reading Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems

Ars Technica’s 2019 ‘Deathwatch’ List Includes Essential and ‘Facebook Management’

The editors of Ars Technica have announced their annual “Deathwatch” list, identifying “companies, tech, and trends least likely to succeed in 2019.” An anonymous reader quotes their report:
The past year has been an absolute freefall for Essential……. Continue reading Ars Technica’s 2019 ‘Deathwatch’ List Includes Essential and ‘Facebook Management’