Fingerprinting iPhones

This clever attack allows someone to uniquely identify a phone when you visit a website, based on data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors. We have developed a new type of fingerprinting attack, the calibration fingerprinting attack. Our attack uses data gathered from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer sensors found in smartphones to construct a globally unique fingerprint. Overall,… Continue reading Fingerprinting iPhones

How Technology and Politics Are Changing Spycraft

Interesting article about how traditional nation-based spycraft is changing. Basically, the Internet makes it increasingly possible to generate a good cover story; cell phone and other electronic surveillance techniques make tracking people easier; and machine learning will make all of this automatic. Meanwhile, Western countries have new laws and norms that put them at a disadvantage over other countries. And… Continue reading How Technology and Politics Are Changing Spycraft

Google Ends Android Collaboration With Huawei. No Gmail, Play Store For Future Huawei Phones

An anonymous reader quotes Reuters:
Alphabet Inc’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware and software products except those covered by open source licenses, a source close to the matter told Reuters on Sunday,… Continue reading Google Ends Android Collaboration With Huawei. No Gmail, Play Store For Future Huawei Phones

Police Are Using Google’s Location Data From ‘Hundreds of Millions’ of Phones

“When law enforcement investigations get cold, there’s a source authorities can turn to for location data that could produce new leads: Google.”

An anonymous reader quotes CNET:

Police have used information from the search giant’s Sensorvault databa… Continue reading Police Are Using Google’s Location Data From ‘Hundreds of Millions’ of Phones

Recovering Smartphone Typing from Microphone Sounds

Yet another side-channel attack on smartphones: "Hearing your touch: A new acoustic side channel on smartphones," by Ilia Shumailov, Laurent Simon, Jeff Yan, and Ross Anderson. Abstract: We present the first acoustic side-channel attack that re… Continue reading Recovering Smartphone Typing from Microphone Sounds