Nokia’s CTO Accuses Huawei of Both ‘Sloppiness’ and ‘Real Obfuscation’

Nokia’s CTO Marcus Weldon “told the BBC that the UK should be wary of using the Chinese hardware” — though Nokia rushed to assure the BBC that Weldon’s remarks do “not reflect the official position of Nokia.”

Forbes reports:

On the security front, … Continue reading Nokia’s CTO Accuses Huawei of Both ‘Sloppiness’ and ‘Real Obfuscation’

Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone

The digital forensics company Cellebrite now claims it can unlock any iPhone. I dithered before blogging this, not wanting to give the company more publicity. But I decided that everyone who wants to know already knows, and that Apple already knows. It’s all of us that need to know…. Continue reading Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone