Celebrity ‘extortion’: judge orders reality star to unlock her iPhone

The Miami case is just the latest in a line of cases where law enforcement has wanted to get at data stored on someone’s cellphone Continue reading Celebrity ‘extortion’: judge orders reality star to unlock her iPhone

Police Unlock Dead Man’s Phone by 3D-Printing his Fingerprint

Now no more fight with Apple or any smartphone maker, as federal authorities have discovered a new tool for unlocking phones, as far as your phone is using any biometric sensor…

3D Printing!

Yes, Police in Michigan is considering 3D printing a dead man’s fingers so they could unlock smartphones in investigation crimes using their biometric sensors.
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A new report published

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FBI may have found a New Way to Unlock Shooter’s iPhone without Apple

There’s more coming to the high-profile Apple vs. FBI case.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) might not need Apple’s assistance to unlock iPhone 5C that belonged to San Bernardino shooter, Syed Rizwan Farook.

If you have followed the San Bernardino case closely, you probably know everything about the ongoing encryption battle between the FBI and Apple.

In short, the US

Continue reading FBI may have found a New Way to Unlock Shooter’s iPhone without Apple