What protection does the /INTEGRITYCHECK MSVC linker option offer, if a malicious file without it can simply be substituted for the authentic file?

The /INTEGRITYCHECK linker option sets a flag that "tells the memory manager to check for a digital signature in order to load the image in Windows". So the general idea is that this ensures the binary is signed by a legitimate,… Continue reading What protection does the /INTEGRITYCHECK MSVC linker option offer, if a malicious file without it can simply be substituted for the authentic file?

Using the readlink function to avoid symbolic link race conditions when opening a file path

I’m reading this paper. On the page 11 the paper says:

Unix applications can obtain access to files without encountering symlink races. This is important for normal application programmers who, for example, might want to write an ftp serv… Continue reading Using the readlink function to avoid symbolic link race conditions when opening a file path