Linux Fu: Shell Scripts in C, C++, and Others

At first glance, it might not seem to make sense to write shell scripts in C/C++. After all, the whole point to a shell script is to knock out something quick and dirty. However, there are cases where you might want to write a quick C program to do something …read more

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Is a Buffer Overflow / NOP Slide possible for memory addresses that contain null bytes?

I have been reading up on Buffer Overflows and NOP Sleds. I tried to use the exploit on an example target and I got stuck because I needed to inject a null byte in the return address for my BP so that my program does not cras… Continue reading Is a Buffer Overflow / NOP Slide possible for memory addresses that contain null bytes?

What are the Secure Coding Guidelines of C and C++ that Developers should never miss? [on hold]

I am doing my Master thesis, and the first part is to define the most important Secure Coding Guidelines to follow.

I know that ideally all of them should be followed, but developers tend to just think about getting their c… Continue reading What are the Secure Coding Guidelines of C and C++ that Developers should never miss? [on hold]