18 Cyber Security Trends We Are Watching in 2018

We had an interesting year in 2017. If any trend is obvious, it’s that 2018 will continue to be interesting for the cybersec industry. How interesting? Here is are the 18 trends that we think will be making the headlines and should be on your rad… Continue reading 18 Cyber Security Trends We Are Watching in 2018

Business Email Compromise scammer sentenced to 41 months in prison

A US judge has sentenced a Nigerian man to three years and five months in a federal prison after he pleaded guilty to taking part in a business email compromise scam that targeted organisations around the world.
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The Biggest Cyber Attacks of 2017

If 2016 was a watershed year for cyber security, then 2017 is the year where cyber security crossed the Rubicon. Our list of the biggest cyber attacks of 2017 were varies in scope and scale. Phishing attacks continued to evolve, spam email was resurgen… Continue reading The Biggest Cyber Attacks of 2017

New Trojan ‘Silence’ Uses Stealth to Attack Banks

Security researchers have discovered a new attack against financial organizations, in which hackers break into their infrastructure and stay lurking for months to learn their internal procedures before starting to steal money. Because of the extended period of time when attackers monitor and learn the behavior of their victims, researchers have dubbed the Trojan program..

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Insider threats in your work inbox

A new phishing campaign that targets businesses goes beyond business email compromise or CEO fraud.
Security world
Tags: becBusiness Email Compromisecloudinsider threatsphishingthreat actor

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Insider threats in your work inbox

A new phishing campaign that targets businesses goes beyond business email compromise or CEO fraud.
Security world
Tags: becBusiness Email Compromisecloudinsider threatsphishingthreat actor

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Insecure Office 365 setups could be a ticking time bomb for your business

Messages your customers receive from a hacker who has already compromised your email system are going to look much more convincing, and could result in your clients transferring large sums of money into a scammer’s bank account and you losing customer … Continue reading Insecure Office 365 setups could be a ticking time bomb for your business

Business Email Compromise Campaign Harvesting Credentials in Numerous Industries

Flashpoint warns of a new business email compromise campaign targeting organizations in various industries with the aim of harvesting credentials. Continue reading Business Email Compromise Campaign Harvesting Credentials in Numerous Industries

One Nigerian man’s simple phishing campaign drains thousands from corporate coffers

One Nigerian man, working alone and using old malware, launched an email-based malware campaign that successfully stole thousands of dollars from manufacturing, banking and construction companies around the world. A new report from CheckPoint Technologies spotlights a low-sophistication campaign of business email compromise (BEC) attacks against 4,000 global companies in the last four months. Security researchers say they traced the attacks back to a single individual in his mid-20s aiming infect target networks, steal data and commit fraud. The thousands of attempts have resulted in 14 companies being infected. Nigerian and international law enforcement were informed a month ago, CheckPoint threat intelligence manager Maya Horowitz told CyberScoop, but it’s not clear if any action has been taken. The attacker uses the phrase “get rich or die trying” on social media accounts, the researchers said, lending that name to the case study. The attacker uses fake emails appearing to come from Saudi Aramco, the second-largest daily oil […]

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