Operation Wire Wire: The South Florida Cases, Part 1

Yesterday we started a series of posts about Operation Wire Wire, where the Department of Justice announced charges against 74 people for Business Email Compromise and related scams.
The South Florida cases are so huge, we’re actually going to break th… Continue reading Operation Wire Wire: The South Florida Cases, Part 1

74 (Mostly Nigerians) Arrested in Business Email Compromise Action

Operation Wire Wire Cases 
Operation Wire Wire was announced June 11, 2018 by the Department of Justice.  This Operation led to the arrest of 42 people in the United States and 29 others in Nigeria, Poland, Canada, Mauritius, Indonesia, and … Continue reading 74 (Mostly Nigerians) Arrested in Business Email Compromise Action

FBI announces arrest of 74 email fraudsters on three continents

The FBI on Monday announced the arrest of 74 people across three continents for hijacking bank transfers using email fraud. The “cyber-enabled financial fraud” allegedly carried out by those apprehended could involve social engineering and computer intrusions to dupe company executives into wiring money, the FBI said. A criminal could use an executive’s compromised email to facilitate a transfer or request W-2 information from within the organization, for example. The scam is essentially a more sophisticated version of the “Nigerian prince” emails that pester the average email user for money. Twenty-nine of the suspects were arrested in Nigeria, 42 in the United States, and the rest in Canada, Mauritius, and Poland. Several of the cases involved global criminal groups that defrauded companies big and small, according to the FBI. The departments of Homeland Security and Treasury, along with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, were also in on “Operation WireWire” to take down […]

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Identifying False Positives to Improve Email Security

In March 2016, the email security of former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta was breached. A spear-phishing email warning Podesta to change his Google password was caught and placed in his spam folder but mistaken by a staff member as legitimat… Continue reading Identifying False Positives to Improve Email Security

How to Safeguard Your Enterprise Against Business Email Compromise Attacks

You may have heard about the recent business email compromise (BEC) attacks in which FACC and MacEwan University respectively lost €52.8 million and $11.8 million. In both cases, scammers impersonated someone staff members trusted and ingeniously dece… Continue reading How to Safeguard Your Enterprise Against Business Email Compromise Attacks

What Type of Emails Get Reported the Most?

In anticipation of our previous threat monitoring and forensics webinar we asked the Twitterverse what happens after they report a suspicious email. Does it fall into a black hole? Does IT check it out to mitigate potential impact? The results are… Continue reading What Type of Emails Get Reported the Most?