Hacker Stole Data of Over 70% Bulgarian Citizens from Tax Agency Servers

Eastern European country Bulgaria has suffered the biggest data breach in its history that compromised personal and financial information of 5 million adult citizens out of its total population of 7 million people.

According to multiple sources in loc… Continue reading Hacker Stole Data of Over 70% Bulgarian Citizens from Tax Agency Servers

Bulgaria passes Law that mandates Government Software must be Open Source

Do you have any idea what the software you have installed is doing stealthily in the background? If it’s not an open source software, can you find out?

Usually, the answer is no.

After Edward Snowden’s revelations, it’s clear that how desperately government agencies wants to put secret backdoors in your network, devices, and software.
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However, Bulgaria has come forward with

Continue reading Bulgaria passes Law that mandates Government Software must be Open Source