New carnivorous dinosaur brandished twice the toe claws of a velociraptor

As you probably remember from Jurassic Park, velociraptors (and similar dinosaurs) were known for the terrifying sickle-shaped claws on their toes. And that was just with one on each foot – a newly-discovered dinosaur from a related species w… Continue reading New carnivorous dinosaur brandished twice the toe claws of a velociraptor

Colombian point-of-sale lender ADDI nabs $12.5 million from Andreessen Horowitz

Andreessen Horowitz <3 Latin American startups.
Latin America is the only region outside of the U.S. where the venture firm is routinely investing capital, and it just made another commitment, doubling down on its early-stage support for the point-o… Continue reading Colombian point-of-sale lender ADDI nabs $12.5 million from Andreessen Horowitz

Hackers using Google Sites to spread banking malware

By Uzair Amir
The IT security researchers at Netskope Threat Research Labs have discovered a new malware hosted on the Google Sites, a dedicated platform offered by Google for developing websites. Dubbed LoadPCBanker by researchers; the malware is actu… Continue reading Hackers using Google Sites to spread banking malware

Brazilian ‘pirates’ sail around two-factor authentication to vex banking sector

For researchers investigating malicious network activity in a given country, scanning hacker forums is like reading tea leaves. The discussion boards can provide insight about which malware is most popular, its likely victims and some clues that can help identify the thieves cashing in. In Brazil, underground bazaars host a bevy of hackers that cybersecurity company Recorded Future has dubbed “pirates” for their willingness to change tactics at any time in order to find easy money. That traditionally could mean flooding a large number of users with text messages and counting on someone to click a link, or using spam to change the domain name settings on local routers. It’s clear now some so-called pirates are capable of more. Skilled Brazilian cybercriminals are able to circumvent two-factor authentication through SIM-swapping, by compromising desktops used for banking, or by directly interfering with the banking sessions, according to research published Tuesday by Recorded Future. The findings illuminate a Brazilian […]

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Misconfigured server exposed half of Brazilian taxpayer ID numbers: report

A database containing personally identifying information of 120 million Brazilian citizens and residents was accessible on the open web for some time, according to a report published Tuesday by cybersecurity company InfoArmor. The records reportedly contained the Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) — a counterpart to Social Security numbers — of more than half of Brazil’s population of 210 million. The unprotected CFPs were linked to people’s basic contact information, financial accounts, credit and debit history, voting history family relations and more, InfoArmor says. The company’s researchers say they encountered the openly accessible HTTP server in March 2018 while scanning the web for compromised machines. Within the database, the file “index.html” had been renamed to “index.html_bkp,” which the report says made it visible to the public. Anyone who knew what they were looking for could have found it, InfoArmor says. While the data wasn’t discovered as part of a breach, the researchers caution […]

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The Simpler the Better? Looking Deeper Into the Malware Used in Brazilian Financial Cybercrime

The majority of financial cybercrime risks can be mitigated with continued user education and by placing the right controls on user devices to help protect against malware.

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415,000 routers infected by cryptomining malware – Prime target MikroTik

By Waqas
According to a new report, around 415,000 routers throughout the world are infected with malware having the potential to steal computer resources and discreetly mine for the cryptocurrency. The campaign is an active one and it primarily target… Continue reading 415,000 routers infected by cryptomining malware – Prime target MikroTik

Data of 32 million SKY Brasil customers easily accessible on unprotected ElasticSearch server

Brazil’s largest subscription television services company, SKY Brasil, leaked private data of 32 million customers on ElasticSearch, a search engine favored by enterprises, reported independent security researcher Fabio Castro on Twitter last wee… Continue reading Data of 32 million SKY Brasil customers easily accessible on unprotected ElasticSearch server