Banking.BR Android Trojan Emerges in Credential-Stealing Attacks

A new Android trojan targets banking customers with overlay attacks to steal their bank credentials and ultimately take over their accounts. Continue reading Banking.BR Android Trojan Emerges in Credential-Stealing Attacks

A malicious Android app is trying to scam Brazilian bank customers

Brazil’s financial sector, which has long grappled with cybercrime, has a new foe. An insidious Android application is trying to steal users’ login credentials, and their money, by impersonating Brazilian banks, researchers from IBM Security said Tuesday. The malicious code is designed to steal the text messages that people use as a secondary security measure to log into their bank accounts. While focused on Brazil, the code could be repurposed to target banking sectors elsewhere, the researchers warned. It is the latest hacking tool to be aimed at Brazil’s financial sector, which has had to contend with cybercrime for years. “Malware of this type is extremely simple to redirect to other regions by changing the target list and embedded screens, thereby modifying its attack turf and potential targets,” IBM researchers Ben Wagner and Limor Kessem wrote in a blog post. Some of the Brazilian banks targeted operate in Spain, Portugal and across Latin […]

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New Android Banking Trojan Targets Spanish, Portuguese Speaking Users

IBM X-Force recently analyzed a new Android banking Trojan dubbed “Banker.BR” that appears to be targeting users in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and other parts of Latin America.

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Attackers are using a Brazilian hacking tool against Spanish banks

An easy-to-use hacking tool has made its way from Brazil’s criminal underworld to Spain, where it’s being used to try to steal from the customers of major banks, researchers said this week. The attackers have targeted customers of at least 10 large Spanish banks as part of an ongoing campaign, said Limor Kessem, IBM Security’s executive security advisor. “We have seen this sort of migration in the past, and this one is likely tied to local criminals [in Spain] using malware from counterparts in Brazil.” The malware, known as Grandoreiro, uses a remote-access feature which overlays images on a victim’s web browser, tricking them into keeping a banking session alive. That gives a hacker the opportunity to steal money from the victim’s account or swipe other account information, Kessem and her colleague, Dani Abramov said in a blog post. It remains unclear how many Spanish banking customers were targeted. The Spanish Banking […]

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CamuBot Resurfaces With Cross-Channel, Targeted Attacks in Brazil

Recent CamuBot activity resurfaced exactly one year after IBM X-Force researchers made the initial discovery of this malware in September 2018.

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Brazil Charges Glenn Greenwald with Cybercrimes

Glenn Greenwald has been charged with cybercrimes in Brazil, stemming from publishing information and documents that were embarrassing to the government. The charges are that he actively helped the people who actually did the hacking: Citing intercepte… Continue reading Brazil Charges Glenn Greenwald with Cybercrimes

Brazil Charges Glenn Greenwald with Cybercrimes

Glenn Greenwald has been charged with cybercrimes in Brazil, stemming from publishing information and documents that were embarrassing to the government. The charges are that he actively helped the people who actually did the hacking: Citing intercepted messages between Mr. Greenwald and the hackers, prosecutors say the journalist played a "clear role in facilitating the commission of a crime." For… Continue reading Brazil Charges Glenn Greenwald with Cybercrimes