World’s smallest boat is thinner than a human hair

3DBenchy is a tiny 3D-printed boat, just a third of the thickness of a human hair

Researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands have created what’s probably the world’s smallest boat. Measuring just 30 microns long, the tiny model was 3D printed as part of a project investigating how to make synthetic “microswimmers” in complex shapes.

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MIT’s autonomous “Roboats” are now big enough to be canal-bound Ubers

The world’s first fleet of autonomous boats is growing – literally. After years of tests and upgrades, MIT’s self-driving Roboat has now doubled in size, allowing it to carry two people at a time. The boats have also had an intelligence upgrade and can… Continue reading MIT’s autonomous “Roboats” are now big enough to be canal-bound Ubers

Tracking Boats and Ships in Real Time at the Same Time

Software-defined radio came on the hacker scene in a big way less than a decade ago thanks to the discovery that a small USB-based TV tuner dongle could be used for receiving all kinds of radio transmissions. Two popular projects from that era are tracking nearby airplanes and boats in …read more

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Tesla Turbine Boat Uses Lily Impeller

Typically in the RC community, radio control boats rely on small nitro engines or electric motors to get around. Fitted with traditional propellers, they’re capable of great speed and performance. Of course, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, as [Integza] shows with his latest build.

As far …read more

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It’s A Boat? It’s A Duck? It’s A DIY Plastic Wrap Kayak!

Only few cinematic moments were as traumatically heartbreaking as [Mufasa]’s death in The Lion King and [Wilson]’s demise in Cast Away. To think, if only [Tom Hanks]’ character had found a role of stretch wrap in the washed up cargo content, he could have built a vessel with enough …read more

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Sealegs introduces the largest amphibious production boat in the world

New Zealand boatbuilding company Sealegs has graced our pages with a long line of interesting amphibious watercraft over the past decade and a half, but none with the footprint of the forthcoming 12m Cabin RIB. Sealegs says the newly announced boat is … Continue reading Sealegs introduces the largest amphibious production boat in the world

DIY Plastic Speedboat for One

Coroplast (short for corrugated plastic) is an interesting material. It has a structure similar to cardboard, but since it’s plastic it’s waterproof and can be used for a unique set of applications. It’s typically used for political yard signs, but there are more fun things to do with this lightweight …read more

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Seagull unmanned surface vehicle demonstrates anti-submarine potential

Elbit Systems UK’s autonomous Seagull Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) has completed Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) sea trials off the British coast in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence, with the USA’s L3Harris Technologies providing sonar systems… Continue reading Seagull unmanned surface vehicle demonstrates anti-submarine potential

Iguana amphibious cabriolet limousine carries 12 over land and water

Since 2011, French company Iguana Yachts has built some of the most interesting amphibious boats in the world – sleek, modern vessels that rely on patented retractable treads to masterfully negotiate rocky, muddy or sandy coastlines on the way to the w… Continue reading Iguana amphibious cabriolet limousine carries 12 over land and water