3D Objects without Scanning
There are many scanners — both commercial and homemade — that can take a variety of scans or images of a 3D object and convert it into something like a …read more Continue reading 3D Objects without Scanning
Collaborate Disseminate
There are many scanners — both commercial and homemade — that can take a variety of scans or images of a 3D object and convert it into something like a …read more Continue reading 3D Objects without Scanning
Join us on Wednesday, June 16 at noon Pacific for the Art with Technology Hack Chat with Cory Collins! As hackers, we naturally see the beauty of technology. We often …read more Continue reading Art with Technology Hack Chat
It’s always fun to look over aerial and satellite maps of places we know, seeing a perspective different from our usual ground level view. We lose that context when it’s …read more Continue reading Putting Perseverance Rover’s View Into Satellite View Context
We seem to want our PCB design software to do everything these days, and it almost delivers. You can not only lay it all out, check electrical and design rules, and even spit out a bill of materials, but many PCB tools produce 3D models that are good enough to …read more
Continue reading Remoticon Video: KiCad to Blender PCB Renders
Every holiday has a few, dedicated individuals committed to “going all out.” Whether they’re trying to show up the neighbors, love the look, or just want to put a smile on the faces of those passing by; the results are often spectacular. A recent trend in decorations has been away …read more
Whether you’re into fruit smoothies or icy blended cocktails, a blender comes in handy when preparing these beverages in the kitchen. But, if a small electric motor can do the job well, a noisy combustion engine can certainly do it louder. This is demonstrated ably by this project from [JT …read more
The great thing about word clocks is that while they all follow the same principle of spelling out the time for you, they come in so many shapes, sizes, and other variations, you have plenty of options to build one yourself. No matter if your craft of choice involves woodworking, …read more
Continue reading A Word Clock You Don’t Have To Actually Build To Enjoy
With an ever-growing range of smart-home products available, all with their own hubs, protocols, and APIs, we see a lot of DIY projects (and commercial offerings too) which aim to provide a “single universal interface” to different devices and services. Usually, these projects allow you to control your home using …read more
Once [Shabab] clued us in to the brilliant animations of [Jared Owen], we pretty much lost an afternoon exploring this incredible YouTube channel. Self-taught Blender wizard [Jared] combines fantastic animations with clear and concise explanations for the inner workings of everything from Nerf guns and Fisher-Price corn poppers to the …read more
Continue reading Awesome Animation Channel is an Educational Rabbit Hole
There are many ways to keep critical appliances running during a power outage. Maybe a UPS for a computer, a set of solar panels to charge your phone, or even a generator to keep your refrigerator or air conditioning working. This modification to a standard blender will also let you …read more