Regrowing a Blackberry from the Keyboard Out

Here at Hackaday we’re big fans of device-reuse, and what [arturo182] has done with the Blackberry Q10’s keyboard is a fantastic example. Sometimes you’re working on a portable device and think to yourself “what this could really use is a QWERTY keyboard”. What project doesn’t need a keyboard?

Typically this descends into a cost benefit analysis of the horrors of soldering 60ish SMD tact switches to a board, which is no fun. With more resources you can use Snaptron snap domes like the [NextThingCo’s] PocketCHIP, but those are complex to source for a one off project and the key feel …read more

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BlackBerry Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

BlackBerry on Tuesday filed patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram in Los Angeles Federal court. In a statement, BlackBerry said: We have a lot of respect for Facebook and the value they’ve placed on messaging capabilities… Continue reading BlackBerry Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

New infosec products of the week​: January 19, 2018

Continuous vulnerability management for ICS cybersecurity PAS Cyber Integrity 6.0 now includes continuous vulnerability management providing visibility into vulnerability risk within industrial process control networks. Cyber Integrity moves beyond tra… Continue reading New infosec products of the week​: January 19, 2018

Someone hacked Blackberry to steal computing power for mining cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency mining service Coinhive is again in the news for misuse by a customer, this time involving handset maker Blackberry. Apparently, someone hacked into the company’s global operations website and used it to steal visitors’ compu… Continue reading Someone hacked Blackberry to steal computing power for mining cryptocurrency

Official BlackBerry Mobile Website hacked to mine Monero via Coinhive

By Waqas
A Coinhive user hacked BlackBerry Mobile website to mine Monero coins before
This is a post from Read the original post: Official BlackBerry Mobile Website hacked to mine Monero via Coinhive
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BlackBerry CEO Promises To Try To Break Customers’ Encryption If the US Government Asks Him To

An anonymous reader writes from a report via Techdirt that claims the company has “chosen to proclaim its willingness to hack into its own customers’ devices if the government asks.” From the report: From a Forbes article: “[CEO John] Chen, speaking at… Continue reading BlackBerry CEO Promises To Try To Break Customers’ Encryption If the US Government Asks Him To

BlackBerry, yes BlackBerry, is making a comeback as a software company

 When you think about dead companies walking, BlackBerry was clearly one that came to mind, but under the leadership of CEO John Chen, the company is actually making a comeback as a software company focused on security, and it’s latest quarterly earnings report suggests the pivot is working splendidly. The company reported revenue of $249 million, which shattered analyst’s… Read More Continue reading BlackBerry, yes BlackBerry, is making a comeback as a software company