Operation ShadowHammer: a high-profile supply chain attack

In late March 2019, we briefly highlighted our research on ShadowHammer attacks, a sophisticated supply chain attack involving ASUS Live Update Utility. Now it is time to share more details about the research with our readers. Continue reading Operation ShadowHammer: a high-profile supply chain attack

Windows 3.1 In My BIOS? It’s More Likely Than You Think

It might be difficult for modern audiences to believe, but at one point Microsoft Windows fit on floppy disks. This was a simpler time, with smaller hard drives, lower resolution displays, and no hacker blogs for you to leave pessimistic comments on. A nearly unrecognizable era, to be sure. But …read more

Continue reading Windows 3.1 In My BIOS? It’s More Likely Than You Think

Operation ShadowHammer

Operation ShadowHammer is a newly discovered supply chain attack that leveraged ASUS Live Update software. While the investigation is still in progress and full results and technical paper will be published during SAS 2019 conference in Singapore, we would like to share some important details about the attack. Continue reading Operation ShadowHammer