Android Gets New Anti-Spoofing Feature to Make Biometric Authentication Secure

Google just announced its plan to introduce a new anti-spoofing feature for its Android operating system that makes its biometric authentication mechanisms more secure than ever.

Biometric authentications, like the fingerprint, IRIS, or face recogniti… Continue reading Android Gets New Anti-Spoofing Feature to Make Biometric Authentication Secure

Hackers Can Steal Your Passwords Just by Monitoring SmartPhone Sensors

Do you know how many kinds of sensors your smartphone has inbuilt? And what data they gather about your physical and digital activities?

An average smartphone these days is packed with a wide array of sensors such as GPS, Camera, microphone, accelerom… Continue reading Hackers Can Steal Your Passwords Just by Monitoring SmartPhone Sensors

Samsung Galaxy S8’s Facial Unlocking Feature Can Be Fooled With A Photo

Samsung launched its new flagship smartphones, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus, at its Unpacked 2017 event on Wednesday in New York, with both IRIS and Facial Recognition features, making it easier for users to unlock their smartphone and signing into… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy S8’s Facial Unlocking Feature Can Be Fooled With A Photo

Police Unlock Dead Man’s Phone by 3D-Printing his Fingerprint

Now no more fight with Apple or any smartphone maker, as federal authorities have discovered a new tool for unlocking phones, as far as your phone is using any biometric sensor…

3D Printing!

Yes, Police in Michigan is considering 3D printing a dead man’s fingers so they could unlock smartphones in investigation crimes using their biometric sensors.
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A new report published

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