Coated Spirulina can decontaminate water, produce biofuels from remains

A good number of people take Spirulina as a dietary supplement, but researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science have found a way to coat the blue-green algae in semiconductor compounds, put the tiny spirals to work removing conta… Continue reading Coated Spirulina can decontaminate water, produce biofuels from remains

Inexpensive process converts seaweed into biofuel, fertilizer and more

Thanks to factors such as agricultural fertilizer runoff, Sargassum seaweed is growing out of control in many regions – it washes up on beaches in huge amounts. Utilizing a new technique, that rotting organic matter could soon be converted into biofuel… Continue reading Inexpensive process converts seaweed into biofuel, fertilizer and more

Bioprinted coral outdoes the real thing at growing algae

Corals serve as a host to algae, which in turn produces sugars that the corals consume. Now, though, scientists have created 3D-printed coral that’s even more algae-friendly than its natural equivalent – it could help address the problem of coral bleac… Continue reading Bioprinted coral outdoes the real thing at growing algae

This Biofuel Cell Harvests Energy From Your Sweat

Researchers from l’Université Grenoble Alpes and the University of San Diego recently developed and patented a flexible device that’s able to produce electrical energy from human sweat. The lactate/O2 biofuel cell has been demonstrated to light an LED, leading to further development in the area of harvesting energy through wearables. …read more

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Growing Algae For Fun And Profit

Supposedly, writes [Severin], algae is a super food, can be used as biofuel, and even be made into yoga mats. So he’s built an algal reactor at Munich Maker Lab, to try to achieve a decent algal yield.

You might expect that  sourcing live algae would be as simple as scraping up a bit of green slime from a nearby pond, but that yields an uncertain mix of species. [Severin] wanted Chlorella algae for his experiment because its high fat content makes it suitable for biodiesel experiments, so had to source his culture from an aquatic shop.

The reactor takes …read more

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