Brewers Add Non-Alcoholic Drinks as Polls Show Young Drinkers Have Health Concerns

Friday America’s surgeon general warned that alcohol is “a well-established, preventable cause of cancer responsible for about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the United States,” and recommended an update to the warning lab… Continue reading Brewers Add Non-Alcoholic Drinks as Polls Show Young Drinkers Have Health Concerns

Beer science: This popular glass keeps your brew coldest, says physics

How do you keep a glass of beer cold the longest? By using science, of course. At least that’s what one researcher has turned to, finding the optimal shape of vessel that will keep a poured beer chilled for as long as possible while you drink it.Contin… Continue reading Beer science: This popular glass keeps your brew coldest, says physics

Beer-tasting Belgian AI makes better brews than humans

Guided by machine-learning models that predicted what would make Belgian beer taste more appealing, researchers tinkered with the golden nectar’s composition, greatly impressing blind taste testers. The method may lead to new recipes and improved taste… Continue reading Beer-tasting Belgian AI makes better brews than humans