2018 Security Trends: 8 Experts Share their Predictions

According to a recent survey by Accenture, banks experience 85 attempted breaches on average each year. More than a third are successful in stealing sensitive information1. In 2017, those attempts ranged from account takeover fraud to mobile banking T… Continue reading 2018 Security Trends: 8 Experts Share their Predictions

The Top Malware Families in Banking, Mobile, Ransomware, and Crypto-Mining of 2017

The second half of 2017 was busy in terms of digital security events. In September, consumer reporting agency Equifax announced a breach that potentially compromised the Social Security Numbers and other personal information of 143 million U.S. consume… Continue reading The Top Malware Families in Banking, Mobile, Ransomware, and Crypto-Mining of 2017

Jackpotting attacks hit U.S. ATMs; spit out cash in seconds

By Waqas
Jackpotting is an attack/technique to exploit ATMs to make them dispense
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Jackpotting attacks hit U.S. ATMs; spit out cash in seconds
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Best Practices for Switching from Hardware to Software Tokens

The smartphone has become indispensable. According to Deloitte’s latest Global Mobile Consumer Trends1 report, a survey of 17 developed countries found that one in five consumers checks their phone >50 times a day. The explosive adoption of … Continue reading Best Practices for Switching from Hardware to Software Tokens

Ukrainian Accounting Software Developer’s Website Abused to Push Out Banking Malware

Attackers abused the website of a Ukraine-based accounting software developer to serve banking malware to unsuspecting users. The attack occurred in August 2017 around the Independence Day holiday in Ukraine. At around that time, unknown individuals ha… Continue reading Ukrainian Accounting Software Developer’s Website Abused to Push Out Banking Malware

PSD2: How Will the Final RTS Requirements Impact You? [Update]

On November 27, 2017, the European Commission published its final Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and Common and Secure Communication (CSC) under PSD2. With the release of the final PSD2 RTS requiremen… Continue reading PSD2: How Will the Final RTS Requirements Impact You? [Update]

Banker jailed for helping criminals who stole millions using Dridex malware

By Uzair Amir
Cybersecurity specialists often emphasize the dangers of insider threats and
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Banker jailed for helping criminals who stole millions using Dridex malware
Continue reading Banker jailed for helping criminals who stole millions using Dridex malware

Sophisticated ‘MoneyTaker’ group stole millions from Russian & US banks

By Waqas
The IT security researchers at Moscow based cybercrime prevention firm
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Sophisticated ‘MoneyTaker’ group stole millions from Russian & US banks
Continue reading Sophisticated ‘MoneyTaker’ group stole millions from Russian & US banks