Security by Design or by Accident

Security has such a large number of subtopics that it’s sometimes difficult to define what the field looks like as a whole. It means something vastly different to a Security Engineer, a CISO, and a Developer. Realistically, at most companies, Sec… Continue reading Security by Design or by Accident

5 Statistics That Prove Why Your Security Posture Can’t Be Purely Reactive

While reacting to alerts and incidents after they occur will always be a reality of the security professional’s job, a purely reactive security approach is simply not effective given the way that today’s technical infrastructures and the cy… Continue reading 5 Statistics That Prove Why Your Security Posture Can’t Be Purely Reactive

How to Use Threat Stack to Reduce Mean Time To Know

Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time To Know (MTTK) are two of the most important metrics in security operations. Respectively, they measure the following: MTTD: How quickly you can identify something and generate an alert. It determines how fast y… Continue reading How to Use Threat Stack to Reduce Mean Time To Know