This Thermometer Rules!
A PCB ruler is a common promotional item, or design exercise. Usually they have some sample outlines and holes as an aid to PCB design, but sometimes they also incorporate …read more Continue reading This Thermometer Rules!
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A PCB ruler is a common promotional item, or design exercise. Usually they have some sample outlines and holes as an aid to PCB design, but sometimes they also incorporate …read more Continue reading This Thermometer Rules!
Getting every detail perfectly right is often the goal in automotive restorations, and some people will go to amazing lengths to make sure the car looks and acts just like …read more Continue reading Gas Gauge Upgrade Keeps VW Restoration Classy
What is it about tangible media? There’s just something neat about having an individual thing that represents each game, each album, each whatever. Sure, you can have a little console …read more Continue reading 2024 Tiny Games Contest: ATtinyBoy Does It with Tiny Cartridges
A common design language for watches has evolved ever since they first started popping up in the 1500s. Whether worn on the wrist or in a pocket, watches are relatively …read more Continue reading Nice Retro Displays Set This Watch on Edge
MIDI as a standard has opened up a huge world to any musician willing to use a computer to generate or enhance their playing and recording. Since the 80s, it …read more Continue reading MIDI Controller in a Cubic Inch
Before COVID, people traditionally sealed their initial introduction to each other with a handshake. Nowadays, that activity seems kind of questionable. But you can still give them something to shake …read more Continue reading 2024 Business Card Challenge: Make Them Shake Your Handiwork
We think it’s OK to admit that when someone puts a binary display on a project, it’s just a thinly veiled excuse to get more blinkenlights into the world. That …read more Continue reading Baffle the Normies with This Binary Thermometer
Flickering LED tea lights are a friendly and safe alternative to having flaming little pots of wax situated around your home, but sometimes the flicker scheme leaves something to be …read more Continue reading Hacked Tea Lights Flicker Just Right
After years of seeing people showing off and trading their badge Simple Add-Ons (SAOs) at Supercon, this year I finally decided to make one myself. Now for a first attempt, …read more Continue reading Chip Shortage Engineering: Misusing DIP Packages
The Nokia N-Gage might not have put up much of a fight against Nintendo’s handheld dynasty, but you can’t say it didn’t have some pretty impressive technology for the time. …read more Continue reading Nokia N-Gage QD Becomes Universal Bluetooth Gamepad