Money is still the root of most breaches

Verizon has released its annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), which offers an overview of the cyber security incidents and data breaches that happened in/were discovered in the past year. Based on an analysis of incident and breach reports … Continue reading Money is still the root of most breaches

Leveraging the Cyber “High Ground”: How to Win the Endpoint Battle

For over 2,000 years, people have leveraged elevated terrain, or “high ground,” to gain a strategic advantage over enemies and protect their realm. The Chinese “Art of War” suggests high ground as a strategic position that provi… Continue reading Leveraging the Cyber “High Ground”: How to Win the Endpoint Battle

Should we add bugs to software to put off attackers?

A group of New York University researchers are testing a new approach to software security: adding more bugs to it instead of removing them. The idea is to “drown attackers in a sea of enticing-looking but ultimately non-exploitable bugs” a… Continue reading Should we add bugs to software to put off attackers?

Attack rates are increasing across the board

Finance and technology are the sectors most resilient to cyber intrusions, new research from Vectra Networks has found. The company released the results of its Post-Intrusion Report, based on data from a sample set of nearly 200 of its enterprise customers. They looked at the prevalence of strategic phases of the attack lifecycle: command-and-control (C&C), reconnaissance, lateral movement, botnet, and exfiltration attacker behaviours across thirteen industries. Over 90 days (January-March 2017), the company monitored 2,145,708 … More Continue reading Attack rates are increasing across the board